Dan Givens, Treasurer
Miami, Florida
Dan Givens was first elected to the NCPERS Executive Board in 2001, and currently serves as treasurer.
Dan is a participant and past chairman of The Miami Firefighters’ Relief & Pension Fund (175 Fund). This is a state-sponsored retirement plan for firefighter employees serving the citizens of Miami, Florida. He was elected to this board in 1980, and he served as chairman from 1982 to retirement. Dan is also a participant of the Miami Fire & Police defined benefit retirement plan. Referred to as FIPO, this plan provides a defined benefit retirement plan to Miami’s police officers and firefighters.
In April of 2013, retired Miami firefighters, Charlie Hall, past IAFF District 12 president, Don Teems, past Florida Professional Firefighters president, and Dan Givens, incorporated a lobby organization called, “The Defined Benefit Retirement Protection Fund”. The purpose and intent of the organization is described in the name. Tom Gabriel is the current chairman of this organization. Our members continue to contribute to this Fund, to protect and lobby for our retirement benefits.
Dan served as a firefighter for 35 years, with the City of Miami Fire Department, and remained the administrator of their 175-pension plan for several years after retirement.
Dan also served as a regional representative for the IAFF Financial Corporation during its creation. Dan continues to serve the IAFF and the Florida Professional Firefighters as a member of NCPERS, while dealing with pension matters including legislative changes to Florida public pension law and federal tax law changes. Dan was appointed to a trustee position during the creation of the Miami Association of Firefighters Retiree Health Trust. This Trust continues to provide retired Miami Firefighters with a tax-free payment method for them and their spouse’s healthcare in retirement.
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