Archive January 2024
All of the articles archived for the month that you have specified are displayed below.
NCPERS 2024 Legislative Conference: Recap
Public pension trustees, staff, and stakeholders gathered in Washington, DC during NCPERS Legislative Conference to learn about the key policy developments impacting the industry and to meet with policymakers.
Death Verification Data, Cybersecurity, and Public Pensions
State and local governmental retirement plans pay pension, survivor, and other post-employment benefits to millions of retirees and beneficiaries throughout the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the territories. In order to administer these programs in the most accurate manner, governmental plans need access to the most complete sources of death verification data.
NCPERS Names Illinois State Treasurer Policymaker of the Year
NCPERS presented The Honorable Michael Frerichs, Illinois State Treasurer, with its 2023 Policymaker of the Year Award on January 23 during its Legislative Conference.
NCPERS 2024 Pension Communications Summit: Recap
Nearly 100 public pension communications professionals gathered in Washington, DC on January 21-22 for NCPERS’ second annual Pension Communications Summit.
NCPERS Recognizes Industry Leaders with Inaugural Public Pension Communicator of the Year Award
- By: admin
- On: 01/23/2024 08:39:32
- In: Press Release
- Comments: 0
The National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems announced the winners of the inaugural Public Pension Communicator of the Year Award during the 2024 Pension Communications Summit.
Preview: Key Findings from NCPERS 2024 Public Retirement Systems Study
For the past 13 years, NCPERS has conducted its annual Public Retirement Systems Study to gather the most current available data on funds’ fiscal, operational, and business practices.
With Pensions Poised to Make a Comeback, Increased Unionization is Key
While this renewed interest in bringing back pensions is a positive sign, the key will be to ensure that the evolution of retirement benefits is ultimately in the best interest of workers, and increased participation in unions will be critical.
What Public Pensions Should Know About the Latest SECURE Act 2.0 Guidance
On December 20, the U.S. Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service released its initial miscellaneous or “grab bag” guidance on the SECURE Act 2.0.
The Untold Story of Trailing Returns
By: Daniel Johnson and Troy Brown, CFA, AndCo Consulting
Every trailing return reviewed for an investment strategy, portfolio or index has an “untold story” each time its performance is updated for a new time period.
What’s Next for Public Pensions and ESG?
While the concept of socially responsible investing has been around for more than 70 years, the term has made its way to mainstream media over the past year as a political talking point—and public pensions are increasingly being caught in the crossfire.