National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


Registration Now Open for NCPERS 2023 Legislative Conference, Pension Communications Summit

  • By: admin
  • On: 11/03/2022 17:46:44
  • In: News
  • Comments: 0
NCPERS Legislative Conference is back in person this January 22-24. The inaugural Pension Communications Summit will be held in conjunction with the Legislative Conference on January 23-24.
Registration is now open for NCPERS 2023 Legislative Conference and 2023 Pension Communications Summit. Both events will be held January 22-24 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel--attend both and save $150 on you registration.

What is the NCPERS Legislative Conference?

Held January 22-24, the Legislative Conference directs the public pension industry's advocacy effort and legislative strategy to Congress and the Administration. In succinct sessions that are informative and fast-paced, attendees will hear from members of Congress, Hill staff, Administration officials, and Washington decision makers on key issues that affect pension funds today. The educational sessions will equip you with the knowledge to confidently advocate on behalf of your plan.

View the agenda, and register by January 5 for early bird registration pricing.

What is the NCPERS Pension Communications Summit?

The inaugural Pension Communications Summit will be held on January 23-24, in conjunction with the Legislative Conference. The agenda will be set by fellow public pension communications professionals—members of NCPERS Communications Roundtable—and will feature peer-to-peer learning, networking opportunities, and hands-on training from industry experts. You'll walk away with new ideas for how to address your fund's most pressing communications-related challenges, make valuable new connections, and gain knowledge of industry best practices. 

View the agenda, and register by January 5 for early bird registration pricing.


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