Winter 2023 Issue of NCPERS PERSist Now Available
By Lizzy Lees, NCPERS
PERSist is a quarterly educational journal exclusively available to NCPERS members.
The Winter 2023 issue of NCPERS PERSist is now available. PERSist is a quarterly educational journal exclusively available to NCPERS members. Find a preview of what's in the latest issue below:
Managing Cybersecurity Risk in the Investment Area – a Focus on the Capital Call Business Process
By: Peter Dewar and Joe Potischman, Linea Secure
Understanding how threat actors can compromise the Capital Call process, establishing controls to check the legitimacy of a transaction, and working with investment groups is crucial to protecting a fund's assets.
Why Pension Consolidation is Gaining Traction Across the Globe
By: Jeff Porta, Northern Trust Corporation
Global funds are continuing to rethink their pension models. This article explores successful models of pension consolidation around the world.
Navigating the Financial Vortex: From Retirement Readiness to Retirement Income
By: Chris Ceder, Senior Retirement Strategist at Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Goldman Sachs Asset Management's Retirement Survey & Insights Report 2022 takes a closer look at the diverse needs of two types of investors—those still working and those who have already retired—and the unique challenges they face in today's environment.
Diverse Manager Investing: Performance, Growth, and Access to Information
By: Derek Jones, Managing Director, Private Equity Investments, GCM Grosvenor
The diverse investment manager market continues to grow as LPs increasingly take note of the alpha potential and expanding opportunity set. While market headwinds are creating a challenging fundraising environment for managers, there is more research, resources, and information available to help LPs invest with intention.
Why Pension Fund Portfolios May Deliver Unpleasant Surprises
By: Bob Parise, Practice Lead, Public Funds and Taft-Hartley Plans, Northern Trust Asset Management
The Risk Report: 2022 Edition uncovers the prominence of uncompensated versus compensated risks in institutional portfolios—and what might be diluting their potential for excess returns.
Securities Class Actions Settlements and SEC Fair Funds: What's the Difference?
By: Mike Lange, Esq., Financial Recovery Technologies
Securities class action settlements and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Fair Funds may look similar, however, the actors involved – and their motivations – differ in fundamental ways resulting in challenges for participating institutional investors.
The Rule of Three: Inflation, Recession, Growth
By: Ken McAtamney, Partner, Portfolio Manager, William Blair Investment Management
The number three is pervasive through some of society's greatest stories—there were three little pigs, three musketeers, and three stooges, for example. In keeping with that concept, here are my big three for investors to consider: recessionary fears, high inflation, and slowing growth.
Why Mortality Improvement Scales Matter
By: Elizabeth Wiley and Graham Schmidt, Cheiron
For the first time since the Society of Actuaries (SOA) began publishing annual mortality improvement scales for pension plans in 2014, it did not release an updated scale in 2022.
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