National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


Public Pension Profiles: Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund (JPFPF) Executive Director, Timothy Johnson

“Pension administration technology is something to watch in 2023 and beyond,” Johnson said.

Public Pension Profiles: Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund (JPFPF) Executive Director, Timothy Johnson

By Lizzy Lees, NCPERS

As part of an ongoing series of public pension executive profiles, NCPERS spoke with Timothy Johnson, Executive Director of Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund (JPFPF). The $2 billion pension fund provides retirement and disability benefits to more than 5,000 police officers, firefighters, and their beneficiaries.

Please note: This interview has been edited for clarity. If you would like to participate in a public pension profile interview, please contact

Having previously led the Alleghany County Employees' Retirement System and now serving as Executive Director for the Jacksonville Police and Fire Pension Fund, what do you think are the keys to successful pension fund administration?

The current pillars of the JPFPF are key – Solvency, Transparency, Member Education, Good Governance and Outreach.

What issues do you think public pension fund executives should watch in 2023?

I expect technology will impact pension administration the way it has other professions. For example, the practice of medicine is substantially different today than it was five years ago. Everything I need to administer health care is on my phone.

I'm focused on how to be both engaged and responsive to members. Part of the urgency is members; particularly younger members wanting self-service. The other piece is that is technology driving down the cost of administration and investment, which can't be ignored. Pension administration technology is something to watch in 2023 and beyond.

You have an impressive resume, including leading pension reform for two different retirement systems. What was the biggest challenge in implementing these reforms?

There are two key parts to the challenge: First, creating reforms that address the issues related to system health. And second, passing reforms through governing bodies, including legislatures and voters.

As a faculty advisor for the 2023 Chief Officers Summit, what are you looking forward to most at this year's event?

I look forward to tools over talk. I'm also looking forward to hearing from high quality presenters.


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