Facebook 201
- By: admin
- On: 04/13/2014 10:40:03
- In: Pension Defense
- Comments: 0
Now that you've mastered the Facebook basics, check out our '201' blog for a more in-depth look of Facebook!
Facebook 201
So you've gotten started with Facebook! You've made your profile, reconnected with a few friends and colleagues, and taken your first steps in to the world of social media. What else can you do with Facebook? The answer is lots of things! Some of the most popular activities are sharing photos, posting comments to your friends' photos and updates, and expressing your opinions and views on current events and the news.
Making and Sharing Posts:
Before you can share any photos, opinions or news, you need to know how to make and share posts on Facebook, or “update your Facebook Status”. These posts are what will come up in your friends News Feeds (or homepage).
To make a post, click the field at the top of your News Feed. Type in what you want to share and click the blue Post button. You can also click the Privacy button next to the Post button to choose who can see your post.
Typing a “@” symbol followed by a Facebook friend's name will bring up the option to tag that person in your post.
You can also add a location to your post by clicking the Pin icon at the bottom of the Post box.
Commenting on a Friend's Post:
When you are scrolling through your News Feed, you will see all of your Facebook Friends' posts. Underneath each post will be a box with your profile photo and a text field that says “Write a Comment”. Click in that field to add a comment to your friend's post. You can also click the ‘Like' button to show that you think the post was a good share.
Sharing links:
You can also share anything on the web through your status update. You simply need to paste the URL and you will see a preview of the link. You can then delete the link out of your status box and write your own personal comment.
haring Photos:
Click the “Add Photos/ Videos” at the top of your News Feed. This will give you two options: “Upload Photos/ Video” or “Create Photo Album”. Clicking on either of these options will open a file browser on your computer.
You will be given the option to add additional photos after you have selected your first photo.
You can tag friends and write comments/descriptions for each photo
Your photos will be posted to your Timeline, unless you change the Privacy status (you can do this the same way as your regular posting).
To create a full photo album, you will be able to upload multiple photos into one album. The album editor will allow you to give the album a name and description.
Now that you know everything there is to know about Facebook, don't forget to follow NCPERS! You can type in ‘NCPERS' in your search box, or click on this link:
So you've gotten started with Facebook! You've made your profile, reconnected with a few friends and colleagues, and taken your first steps in to the world of social media. What else can you do with Facebook? The answer is lots of things! Some of the most popular activities are sharing photos, posting comments to your friends' photos and updates, and expressing your opinions and views on current events and the news.
Making and Sharing Posts:
Commenting on a Friend's Post:
Sharing links:
haring Photos:
Now that you know everything there is to know about Facebook, don't forget to follow NCPERS! You can type in ‘NCPERS' in your search box, or click on this link:
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