Public Pension RFP Roundup
- By: admin
- On: 06/22/2023 16:43:31
- In: Careers, RFPs
- Comments: 0
Brought to you by NCPERS for June 2023
Colorado PERA
Throughout the RFI, ‘Executive Director' refers to the most senior position at Colorado PERA reporting to the Board of Trustees. In other organizations, this may be the Chief Executive Officer. To facilitate this search, the PERA Board has appointed a Search Committee of PERA Board members, led by Taylor McLemore, Search Committee Chair. Finalist firms will be interviewed by the Search Committee. View the RFI.
To be considered, your proposal must be submitted no later than July 14, 2023. Please only submit one electronic version via email to:
Attn: Rebecca Harren, Director of Human Resources
Your firm may be invited to present your proposal to members of the PERA Board of Trustees. PERA will communicate with you once your proposal has been received and reviewed to provide additional details. PERA anticipates that a decision on selection of the finalist firms to present in person will be made by July 28, 2023.
Dallas Police & Fire Pension System
The Texas Pension Review Board and the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System are issuing an Request for Proposal (RFP) to select an Independent Actuary to perform the services as described in Article 6243a-1 Section 2.025, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas and additional services to facilitate timely completion of the required services. Please note that all communications related to the RFP must be directed to only to
The proposal due date is June 30, 2023, at 4:00 P.M, CDT
The deadline for written questions is June 12, 2023, at 4:00 P.M, CDT.
The purpose of this RFP is to select an Independent Actuary to perform the services as described in Article 6243a-1 Section 2.025, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas and additional services to facilitate timely completion of the required services. Section 2.025(a) requires PRB to select an independent actuary to perform the required analysis, as outlined below, and requires DPFP to contract with the actuary selected by PRB. Section 2.025 requires the independent actuary to prepare an analysis based on the most recent actuarial valuation which includes the independent actuary's:
(1) conclusion regarding whether the pension system meets State Pension Review Board pension funding guidelines; and
(2) recommendations regarding changes to benefits or to member or city contribution rates. While the statutory deadline for the actuarial analysis is not later than October 1, 2024, this procurement seeks a proposal to complete the work in a two-part process.
Based on the timeline in Section 2.025, the 1-1-2023 actuarial valuation will be the “most recent” valuation and will likely not be available until November 2023. Given the complexity of the issues, the parties involved and the large unfunded liability, DPFP would like to begin the process with an analysis of the 1-1-2022 actuarial valuation and have recommendations based on that work in addition to the statutorily required process. The work contemplated with this RFP is a two-part process first based on the 1-1-2022 actuarial valuation and then the official analysis and recommendations based on the 1-1-2023 actuarial valuation.
View the RFP here to learn more.
San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association
The San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association (SBCERA) is seeking Proposals from qualified actuarial firms for actuarial auditing services. The intent of this service is to provide an independent actuarial opinion as to the accuracy and veracity of valuation results, actuarial assumptions, application of actuarial cost method, and experience currently performed by SBCERA's actuarial consultant, Segal. The successful bidder will perform a one-time complete replication audit of the June 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation and Review, including related studies, prepare a written report of the audit, and present the report and any findings in person to the SBCERA Board of Retirement (Board). SBCERA's audit policy for actuarial audits requires an audit of the primary actuary's valuation at least every five years. The last actuarial audit was conducted on the June 30, 2018 Actuarial Valuation and Review, including related studies. View the RFP.
Responses are due by July 21, 2023. Please respond to the RFP section of the bid document by sending one proposal to Amy McInerny, Chief Financial Officer,
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