National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


Public Pension RFP Roundup

Brought to you by NCPERS for July 2023
Public Pension RFP Roundup

NCPERS regularly highlights the latest RFPs and RFIs in the public pension industry on behalf of its members. Find our latest roundup of job listings, hiring, and retirement announcements hereIf your organization has an RFP/RFI for inclusion, please submit all relevant information to for consideration. 

American Samoa Government Employees' Retirement Fund (ASGERF)

The American Samoa Government Employees' Retirement Fund (ASGERF) seeks proposals from firms experienced in performing independent audit services for its governmental Defined Benefit (DB) Plan. The selected independent auditor will be required to perform the audit with the objective of expressing an opinion about whether ASGERF's financial statements are fairly represented, in all material aspects, in conformity with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules. In conjunction with the financial statement audit, the auditor will also be required to perform an audit of employer allocation schedules related to reporting under GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, with the objective of expressing an opinion about whether these schedules are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The selected firm will perform auditing services and issue annual opinions on the ASGERF financial statements and schedules of employer allocations and present its findings to the Board of Trustees and management once a year. View the RFP.
Responses are due by August 10, 2023 at 4:00 pm Samoa Standard Time.  Please respond by sending one proposal to Caroline Wendt, Assistant Executive Director,

Colorado PERA

The Colorado Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA) Board of Trustees seeks proposals from executive search firms to assist the PERA Board in hiring the next Executive Director. The search firm will assist in conducting a nationwide search and screening of potential candidates. Proposals should include descriptions of your firm's executive search process, the general evaluation criteria typically employed by your firm in an Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer search, the services that your firm will provide regarding candidate assessments and negotiations, and any other relevant information.

Throughout the RFI, ‘Executive Director' refers to the most senior position at Colorado PERA reporting to the Board of Trustees. In other organizations, this may be the Chief Executive Officer. To facilitate this search, the PERA Board has appointed a Search Committee of PERA Board members, led by Taylor McLemore, Search Committee Chair. Finalist firms will be interviewed by the Search Committee. View the RFI.

To be considered, your proposal must be submitted no later than July 14, 2023. Please only submit one electronic version via email to:
Attn: Rebecca Harren, Director of Human Resources

Your firm may be invited to present your proposal to members of the PERA Board of Trustees. PERA will communicate with you once your proposal has been received and reviewed to provide additional details. PERA anticipates that a decision on selection of the finalist firms to present in person will be made by July 28, 2023.


Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS)

The Missouri Local Government Employees Retirement System (LAGERS) is a governmental multiple employer agent defined benefit plan established by statute to provide retirement security to Missouri local government employees and their beneficiaries. LAGERS is seeking to retain a Board Governance Consultant to provide certain services to the Board of Trustees and staff. LAGERS would like to engage a Governance Consultant to assist the Board and staff with best or leading practices in the area of board governance, Board and Executive Director evaluation, policy preparation and systematic review, and strategic planning. LAGERS is also open to suggestions from Respondents in other potential service areas, and requests Respondents to suggest other possible services (see Section B in the RFP).

If a firm intends to respond to this RFP, a Notice of Intent to do so should be sent to LAGERS by July 15, 2023. The Notice should be sent via email to the contact listed below, and should contain the firm's name, its intent to respond, the name of a contact person and his/her phone number and email address. Submitting a Notice of Intent will not obligate the firm to submit a response but will allow LAGERS to send out any necessary information to interested parties.

All questions regarding this RFP must be received by email by the contact person by July 15, 2023. No other LAGERS staff or trustee are to be contacted regarding this RFP unless directed to do so by the designated contact person. Compilation of questions and answers will be shared with firms who have notified LAGERS of their Intent to Respond as addressed above. Efforts will be made to summarize questions so that the identity of the firm will not be clear in the summary document.

The following contact is to be utilized for all responses and communications:
Sheila Reinsch, Board and Executive Administrator
P.O. Box 1665
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: 573.632.6351

View the RFP to learn more.

San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association 

The San Bernardino County Employees' Retirement Association (SBCERA) is seeking Proposals from qualified actuarial firms for actuarial auditing services. The intent of this service is to provide an independent actuarial opinion as to the accuracy and veracity of valuation results, actuarial assumptions, application of actuarial cost method, and experience currently performed by SBCERA's actuarial consultant, Segal. The successful bidder will perform a one-time complete replication audit of the June 30, 2023 Actuarial Valuation and Review, including related studies, prepare a written report of the audit, and present the report and any findings in person to the SBCERA Board of Retirement (Board). SBCERA's audit policy for actuarial audits requires an audit of the primary actuary's valuation at least every five years. The last actuarial audit was conducted on the June 30, 2018 Actuarial Valuation and Review, including related studies. View the RFP

Responses are due by July 21, 2023. Please respond to the RFP section of the bid document by sending one proposal to Amy McInerny, Chief Financial Officer,


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