Public Pension RFP Roundup
- By: admin
- On: 09/26/2023 10:33:13
- In: Careers, RFPs
- Comments: 0
Brought to you by NCPERS for September 2023
NCPERS regularly highlights the latest RFPs and RFIs in the public pension industry on behalf of its members. Find our latest roundup of job listings, hiring, and retirement announcements here. If your organization has an RFP/RFI for inclusion, please submit all relevant information to for consideration.
Waterford Township General Employees' Retirement System
The Pension and Health Care Committees for the Waterford Township General Employees' Retirement System (Retirement System) and the Waterford Township Post-Retirement Health Care Trust (Health Care Trust) intend to secure a contract for investment consultant services to replace their current consultant who is retiring at the end of 2023. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to define the Committees' minimum requirements, solicit proposals, and to gain adequate information from which the Committees may evaluate such services.
The Retirement System and Health Care Trust are seeking Investment Consultant services to assist the Committees in making prudent investment management decisions to maximize its asset growth potential while maintaining its investment quality and diversification standards. The Retirement System and the Health Care Trust are both governed by a five member Committee established in accordance with their respective governing documents. The Retirement System Ordinance can be accessed online at The Committees generally meet every other month.
The Committees require that all prospective service providers have strong credentials, be in good financial standing, must be a registered investment advisor under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, must acknowledge its responsibilities as a fiduciary, be a member of the Michigan Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems, and the consultant servicing the account shall have a minimum of ten (10) years of experience providing investment consulting advise to Michigan public sector retirement systems and retiree health care trusts. View the RFP to find additional information, including the scope of services and submission requirements.
The primary role of the Committees' Investment Consultant is to provide objective, third-party advice and counsel that will enable the Committee Members to make well-informed and well-educated decisions regarding the investment of the System's assets. Responses to this RFP must be received by 4:00 p.m. on October 19, 2023. If your firm is selected to be interviewed, please be advised that interviews will be held at the Township Hall on November 21, 2023 starting at 1:30 p.m.. The Township Hall is located at 5200 Civic Center Dr., Waterford, MI 48329.
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