Public Pension RFP Roundup
- By: admin
- On: 11/17/2023 16:46:55
- In: Careers, RFPs
- Comments: 0
Brought to you by NCPERS for November 2023
NCPERS regularly highlights the latest RFPs and RFIs in the public pension industry on behalf of its members. Find our latest roundup of job listings, hiring, and retirement announcements here. If your organization has an RFP/RFI for inclusion, please submit all relevant information to for consideration.
American Samoa Government Employees' Retirement Fund (ASGERF)
The American Samoa Government Employees' Retirement Fund (ASGERF) seeks proposals from firms experienced in performing independent audit services for its governmental Defined Benefit (DB) Plan. The selected independent auditor will be required to perform the audit with the objective of expressing an opinion about whether ASGERF's financial statements are fairly represented, in all material aspects, in conformity with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and all applicable federal and state laws, regulations and rules. In conjunction with the financial statement audit, the auditor will also be required to perform an audit of employer allocation schedules related to reporting under GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions, with the objective of expressing an opinion about whether these schedules are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The selected firm will perform auditing services and issue annual opinions on the ASGERF financial statements and schedules of employer allocations and present its findings to the Board of Trustees and management once a year. View the RFP.
Interested firms should e-mail Caroline Wendt, Assistant Executive Director, at for a copy of the RFP document by December 1, 2023. Responses are then due by January 1, 2024, at 4:00 pm Samoa Standard Time. Please respond by sending one proposal to Caroline Wendt, Assistant Executive Director,
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