Maximizing Your NCPERS Membership in 2024
Each year, NCPERS delivers a comprehensive suite of programs, resources, and services to our members. Utilizing these benefits ensures your organization stays abreast of important developments in the public pension arena and stays connected with other stakeholders who help you accomplish your goals.
By: William Whitman, Director, Membership & Strategic Alliances, NCPERSYour membership with the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems makes possible our essential work to protect and promote public pensions. With a community drawn from over 600 pension plans and stakeholders, NCPERS brings together plan trustees, administrators, public officials, and investment professionals to advance the cause of public pensions throughout the United States and Canada.

I've listed below some key programs and services that will benefit all NCPERS members throughout 2024. Please take advantage of these benefits and get the most out of membership this year.
NCPERS Conferences
This year's in-person conferences will keep you educated on the latest trends impacting public pensions and allow you to engage with leaders from pension plans, actuarial practices, financial services firms, and other organizations.
The 2024 Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE) on May 19-22 will bring together more than 800 pension plan trustees, staff, and stakeholders for the premier education and networking event in the public pension space.
Additional in-person conferences throughout the year will be tailored to the needs of Chief Officers, Public Safety Plans, HR Professionals, and other segments of our community.
Webinar Series
NCPERS will host regular webinars on topics important to our community throughout 2024, bringing members free educational opportunities on headline issues.
Our next event: 2024 Public Retirement Systems Study: Trends in Fiscal, Operational, and Business Practices on February 13 at 1:00pm ET will dive into the results of the 2024 Public Retirement Systems Study and highlight trends in plan benefits, allocating assets, and operational performance.
To receive updates on future webinars, sign up through the NCPERS Center for Online Learning.
NCPERS University
NCPERS University is where pension trustees and administrators can find the education they need to be successful in carrying out their duties, no matter their experience level. We have courses for new trustees and experienced trustees, as well as the NCPERS Accredited Fiduciary Program for those who want to earn a certification demonstrating their mastery of plan governance.
Fund Member Roundtables
For our pension professional members, we have a peer Roundtable network where you can gather critical intelligence, discuss industry developments, and crowd-source solutions to issues you face. No matter your role – CEO, CIO, communications head, or HR lead – these virtual chats bring together pension professionals to tackle common challenges.
Stay Connected and Informed
NCPERS keeps our community updated by relaying important industry news, research releases, and legislative analysis through our publications and communications platforms. Please ensure you are receiving and following:
- PERSist, our quarterly online journal, highlights the latest research and educational content for fund members. The Winter 2024 PERSist can be found here (login required).
- NCPERS Blog is our community hub for think pieces on the latest news, trends, and policy updates in the public pension industry.
- Subscribe to NCPERS Retirement Security SmartBrief to receive our weekly selection of the latest news from the public pension industry and updates on issues that impact financial wellbeing in retirement.
- Meet the CorPERS Members on our website to easily find the products and services available from leading service providers in the NCPERS community.
- Follow NCPERS on Facebook or LinkedIn for real-time updates and to connect with your peers.
Affinity Programs
NCPERS has many strategic partnerships with organizations providing products and services to pension funds and their participants. Fund members can receive discounts on the PensionX digital platform and access to insurance products—including cyber liability, identity protection, and financial protection plans—through their NCPERS membership.
In addition to the above, there are many other benefits to being a member of NCPERS! If you would like to learn more about how your organization can take full advantage of membership, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at I am extremely pleased to be part of this terrific team working to support you in 2024.
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