Meet Reshana Peters, NCPERS' Digital Media & Marketing Coordinator
By: Lizzy Lees, Director of Communications, NCPERS
As part of the Communications team, Reshana's role as the Digital Media & Marketing Coordinator will be creating and developing new content and graphics for NCPERS' digital platforms to drive engagement.

This month, NCPERS had the pleasure of welcoming Reshana Peters to its rapidly growing team! As the newest member of the Communications Department, Reshana will play a key role in growing the organization's online presence, building brand visibility, and increasing awareness of the many resources NCPERS offers to its members and the public pension community.As part of the Communications team, Reshana's role as the Digital Media & Marketing Coordinator will be creating and developing new content and graphics for NCPERS' digital platforms to drive engagement.

“As we've expanded our membership offerings, NCPERS saw the need to build capacity in order to more effectively communicate with the public pension community. Reshana is a fantastic addition to our team as we work to engage with our members and stakeholders in an increasingly digital-first environment,” said Hank Kim, executive director and counsel for NCPERS.
Here is a glimpse of Reshana's background and what she'll be doing to support NCPERS' digital strategy:
Q: Where are you from?
A: I was born in Guyana (located in South America), but I like to say I'm a native New Yorker because I was raised there for most of my life.
Q: As part of NCPERS Communications team, what will you be doing as its newest Digital Media & Marketing Coordinator?
A: My objective is to enhance NCPERS' digital presence on its existing platforms, from our social media and email to our website and publications. Since we offer a range of research and insights, I am developing interactive ways in which people can absorb information and stay up to date with what is happening in the public pension industry.
Q: Tell us a bit about your previous work experience.
A: Prior to joining NCPERS, I was part of the marketing department at a data service provider for the structured finance, commercial real estate, and banking markets. In this role, I worked on social media content and graphics, blog posts, website management, and more. I also collaborated with the company's podcast, research, and education teams on numerous internal and external projects.
Q: What are you looking forward to most in this new role?
A: I am eager to expand NCPERS' digital output, specially creating content and graphics that will push how we engage with our community.
Q: When you're not working on NCPERS' digital media, what do you enjoy doing?
A: When I am not working, I like reading books, especially digital works from up-and-coming writers. I love reading the raw versions of people writing and seeing the progress, as many of them have gone on to be published and eventually turned into movies. You can also find me binge-watching crime dramas like Criminal Minds, NCIS, Hawaii Five-0, Rookie Blue, and more.
Q: How can members contact you?
A: Call me at (202) 601-2454 or email me at You can also check out NCPERS' LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting you at the Annual Conference and Exhibition in Seattle!
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