National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


New Pension Fund Roundtable for Member Services Directors

We are very pleased to announce NCPERS is expanding our existing set of Pension Professional Roundtables with a new Member Services Roundtable. This new Roundtable is intended for the leader of member services functions at public pension plans.
We are very pleased to announce NCPERS is expanding our existing set of Pension Professional Roundtables with a new Member Services Roundtable!

This new Roundtable is intended for the leader of member services functions at public pension plans, regardless of whether their particular job title is director, chief, or something else -- if you oversee the member services and experience for your plan, you are invited to join. Please complete this short registration form to be added to the Roundtable mailing list. 

Example topics to be covered on future calls include member education best practices, benefits administration, member portals, P
ension Administration Solutions projects, staffing, and member data. 

NCPERS already hosts CEO, CIO, Communications, and HR Roundtables that bring together public pension professionals to crowd-source solutions to common problems they face. 
Roundtable participation is free for staff at NCPERS member pension funds. Please see this page for more information


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