National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


What to Expect at NCPERS 2024 Public Pension HR Summit

  • By: admin
  • On: 06/28/2024 16:57:15
  • In: News
  • Comments: 0
Join fellow HR professionals in Denver on September 24-26 to learn from the experience of your peers, gain insights into leading industry practices, and develop the skills and connections you need to tackle the challenges your organization may be facing.
By: Lizzy Lees, NCPERS

Registration is now open for NCPERS Public Pension HR Summit. Join fellow HR professionals in Denver on September 24-26 to learn from the experience of your peers, gain insights into leading industry practices, and develop the skills and connections you need to tackle the challenges your organization may be facing.

What Will I Learn?
Over the course of three days, you'll have the opportunity to earn up to 9 hours of continuing education credits while gaining insight into current trends, innovative practices, and the latest developments in the field.

Attend the Summit to:
  • Participate in breakout ‘hot topics' sessions that address common challenges and share solutions in a small group setting;
  • Receive advance access to findings from the 2024 Public Pension Compensation Survey;
  • Learn how to navigate compliance challenges and the latest employment laws impacting your fund;
  • Find out how HR professionals are leveraging AI technologies;
  • And much more! View the agenda.
Attending the Public Pension HR Summit is a strategic investment in your professional growth and the success of your organization. Find out why you should attend and hear what fellow HR professionals are saying.

Who Should Attend the Public Pension HR Summit?
Public pension HR professionals, administrators, and staff looking to enhance their understanding of HR-related challenges and solutions in the public sector. The event is open to both NCPERS members and non-members, but members receive a significant discount on registration fees.

In order to facilitate open dialogue, this educational program is exclusively open to public pension professionals. Service provider members are not eligible to attend.

How Can I Register?
To attend the Public Pension HR Summit, register online here or return this registration form to Be sure to register by September 2nd to save $200 with the early-bird rates!

Questions? Contact


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