National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


NCPERS UBIT Lobbying Success

  • By: admin
  • On: 12/19/2017 15:08:20
  • In: News
  • Comments: 0

This blog post is the transcript of our December 20, 2017 video blog UBIT Lobbying Success.


Transcript: Hi, I'm Hank Kim, executive director of NCPERS. In today's video blog, I'd like to discuss our successful lobbying effort to remove the UBIT provision from the recently passed tax bill. NCPERS, along with NASRA, NCTR, public pensions, and other stakeholders conducted a massive education campaign to educate Congress on the negative impact of the unrelated business income tax. I'm happy to report that our efforts were successful. You can learn more about UBIT and our campaign on our website. Also don't forget to register for our annual Legislative Conference held January 28th through the 30th.

Links: UBIT Advocacy
         NCPERS Legislative Conference



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