National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


Importance of Involvement in the Legislative Process

This blog post is the transcript of the January 3, 2018 video blog on the importance of being active in the legislative process. 



Hi, I'm Hank Kim, executive director of NCPERS. In today's video blog, I'd like to discuss being active in the legislative process. State legislatures are coming back into session after the holiday break. Some sessions are short, with only 3 months, while other legislatures are 6 months or longer. It is vital that our members have face time with their legislators and provide them with good data on the importance of public pensions and their positive impact on the economy. I encourage you to go to our website, read our research, and attend the Legislative Conference, where you will receive information and research vital to make your visits your local legislators successful. I hope to see everyone in January in Washington, DC.

NCPERS Legislative Conference



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