Summer Message from the President
August 11, 2020
During these extraordinary times, when we can no longer operate business as usual, NCPERS needs to find new ways to provide valuable education to the public pension community. That's why NCPERS has decided to host our first virtual Public Pension Funding Forum, and we have decided to create the virtual NCPERS Financial, Actuarial, Legislative & Legal (FALL) Conference.
Summer Message from the President

During these extraordinary times, when we can no longer operate business as usual, NCPERS needs to find new ways to provide valuable education to the public pension community. That's why NCPERS has decided to host our first virtual Public Pension Funding Forum, and we have decided to create the virtual NCPERS Financial, Actuarial, Legislative & Legal (FALL) Conference.
On August 24-25, 2020, we will host the Public Pension Funding Forum through videoconferencing. The Funding Forum focuses on the obstacles that stand in the way of closing the public pension funding gap and explores new solutions to overcome those obstacles. It will be held over two days, beginning with a presentation on how long public pensions are sustainable, from Bryon Lutz, of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Tom Sgouros, from Brown University, and Alex Brown, from the National Association of State Retirement Administrators.
Over the following days, virtual attendees will learn about strategies to maintain an adequate funding level through economic ups and downs, from David Villa, CEO and CIO of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board; weighing risks and returns in the current macroeconomics trends, from Nobel Laureate in Economics, Lars Peter Hansen; funding strategies from executive directors Sanford Rich (New York City Board of Education Retirement System), David Eager (Kentucky Employees Retirement System), Richard Ingram (Illinois Teachers Retirement System), and Corey Amon (New Jersey Division of Investments); and finally, funding challenges during corona from an actuarial perspective, from Gene Kalwarki with Cheiron, Brian Grinnell from the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, and Richard Young, from the New York State Teachers Retirement System.
The new FALL Conference will be held on September 29-30, 2020, in four-hour remote sessions. FALL is where public pension trustees, staff, and industry partners can come together virtually to learn, exchange ideas, strategize solutions, and make valuable connections. This two-day virtual program is structured in three tracks that will equip attendees with valuable insights on financial, actuarial, legislative, and legal matters impacting public pensions.
To view or register for any of our conferences, please click on the links inside the article. We look forward to “seeing you” at our online events and hopefully at in-person events soon! Stay safe and healthy!

Daniel Fortuna
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