National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions


NCPERS Executive Director Testifies Before Ohio Legislators in Support of HB 296

Hank Kim, executive director and counsel for NCPERS, testified before Ohio legislators during a February 6 hearing on HB 296

Hank Kim, executive director and counsel for NCPERS, testified before Ohio legislators during a February 6 hearing on HB 296. The bill would increase the police employer contribution to be in parity with fire employers' contributions.

In his testimony, Kim provided an overview of the public pension landscape. He shared insights from NCPERS annual Public Retirement Systems Study, including the most current data available on funds' fiscal, operational, and business practices.

In particular, he honed in on the public safety subset of data from the study to provide direct comparisons to peer groups. His testimony illustrated that public pensions are sustainable, and funds are continuing to tighten assumptions while cutting costs.

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