NCPERS Launches Comprehensive SECURE 2.0 Desk Reference for Governmental Plans
This guide provides public employee retirement system staff and trustees with detailed insights into the SECURE 2.0 Act, which introduced significant updates to retirement plan laws.

NCPERS is pleased to announce the release of a new resource: SECURE 2.0: A Desk Reference for Governmental Plans. This guide provides public employee retirement system staff and trustees with detailed insights into the SECURE 2.0 Act, which introduced significant updates to retirement plan laws.
Authored by leading industry experts, Robert L. Gauss, the principal author (Ice Miller LLP), with contributions from Michelle McCarthy (Nossaman LLP), and Tony Roda (Williams & Jensen PLLC), this desk reference offers a focused look at the provisions most relevant to governmental plans. Highlights include:
- Key changes to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)
- New provisions specific to public safety plans/employees
- Enhanced retirement savings incentives
- New options for Roth contributions
- Expanded distribution flexibility for participants
- And more
This resource underscores NCPERS' commitment to empowering public pension systems with the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate legislative changes effectively. To learn more about the policy developments impacting public employee retirement systems, join us in Washington next month at NCPERS 2025 Legislative Conference & Policy Day.
NCPERS and its partners regularly produce documents, best practice guides, and resources for public pension staff, trustees, and stakeholders. These tools are intended to help drive efficiency and improve performance, showcase solutions to common industry challenges, and serve as roadmaps in navigating the complexities of pension administration. View the resource library.
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