Recognizing the December 2024 Class of NCPERS Accredited Fiduciaries
NCPERS would like to recognize the 22 public pension trustees and staff who most recently passed the exam to earn the prestigious Accredited Fiduciary (AF) designation.

By: Lizzy Lees, Director of Communications, NCPERS
The NCPERS Accredited Fiduciary (NAF) Program is specifically designed and tailored for individuals involved in public pension governance. Trustees and staff who complete the two-part program, NAF 1&2: Governance & Finance and NAF 3&4: Risk Management & Human Capital, have the opportunity to earn their Accredited Fiduciary (AF) designation by demonstrating mastery of the course content and plan governance best practices through an exam.
NAF is held twice per year (in the spring and the fall) allowing for small class sizes where participants can freely discuss challenges and opportunities while diving into key topics, including governance and the board's role; investment and finance; legal, risk management, and communication; and human capital. Sign up here to learn more.
NCPERS would like to recognize the 22 public pension trustees and staff who most recently passed the exam to earn the prestigious Accredited Fiduciary (AF) designation:
- Paul Anderson, Stamford Professional Firefighters, Local 786
- Sheldon Askew, Austin Police Retirement System
- Denise Bradford, California State Teachers' Retirement System
- Chris Brewster, San Diego City Employees' Retirement System
- Linda Brown, Suffolk County Variable Supplement Trust
- Ricki Contreras, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association
- Justin DeCleene, Milwaukee Police Association
- James Donaldson, Montgomery County Employee Retirement Plans
- Cliff Haight, City of Aurora Colorado General Employees' Retirement Plan
- Edward Jarvis, Anchorage Police & Fire Retirement System
- Daniel Levler, Suffolk County Variable Supplement Trust
- Louis Maggi, San Diego City Employees' Retirement System
- Zakia Mahasa, City of Baltimore Employees' Retirement System
- Andrew McNeil , City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System
- Mark Menkhaus, City of Cincinnati Retirement System
- Joseph Micalizzi, Stamford Professional Firefighters, Local 786
- Scott Miller, Segal (formerly North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System)
- Jose Luis Pacheco, California Public Employees' Retirement System
- Kevin Palkki, California Public Employees' Retirement System
- Gordon Warnock, Suffolk County Variable Supplement Trust
- Mullissa Willette, California Public Employees' Retirement System
- Theodore Wusler, Milwaukee Professional Firefighters
The next NAF and TEDS programs will be held May 17-18 in Denver—immediately before NCPERS 2025 Annual Conference & Exhibition (ACE). Learn more and sign up here to be notified when registration opens.
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