Public Pension RFP Roundup: Q1
- By: admin
- On: 02/03/2025 17:36:48
- In: Careers, RFPs
- Comments: 0

The Texas County & District Retirement System
Investment Consulting Services
The Texas County & District Retirement System (TCDRS) is soliciting qualifications from firms interested in providing Investment Consulting Services for TCDRS, a $50 billion public pension plan. The intent of this Request for Qualifications is to select a firm or firms to provide consulting services to TCDRS in the following areas: plan consulting, including consulting services relating to investment policies and procedures, asset allocation, investment training and fiduciary education; investment planning and analysis; and manager oversight and selection.
Please follow this link for details and how to respond.
Responses are electronically due by Friday, February 14, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. (CST)
Kansas City Policy Employees' Retirement System (KCPERS)
Audit Services
The Kansas City Police Employees' Retirement System (KCPERS) is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide audit services for KCPERS, a public pension plan serving law enforcement personnel in Kansas City, Missouri. The selected firm will be responsible for conducting a comprehensive financial audit, assessing internal controls, and ensuring compliance with applicable accounting standards and regulations. All responses to this solicitation must be submitted to Kasey Hiltgen at, including all required forms and documentation. Please refer to the RFP for full details regarding scope, requirements, and submission deadlines.
Please follow this link for details and how to respond.
Responses are due by February 21, 2025, by 4:00 PM (CST)
San Diego City Employees' Retirement System (SDCERS)
Microsoft 365 Implementation Services
SDCERS invites proposals from experienced consulting companies interested in providing Microsoft M365, Exchange Online Migration and Active Directory (AD). SDCERS is looking to convert from Microsoft Office 2019 and on-premise Exchange system (and supporting services) to Microsoft M365 cloud services using Microsoft Office 365, and Exchange Online. This will also involve migrating SDCERS from a subdomain in the City of San Diego's AD forest to their own separate forest and linking identity management services to the cloud for both Azure and M365 access.
The vendor selected will be responsible for the full scope of services, to include project management, discovery, design, configuration, testing, and the full migration of users, computers, data, and related items including training and meeting performance requirements. The vendor is expected to provide production support for a brief period of time and then ensure proper hand over of services to SDCERS IT technical team so they can provide ongoing support and maintenance.
Please follow this link for the RFP details.
Proposals are due on February 28, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. PST.
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