National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions

David Harer

David Harer serves as a member of the NCPERS executive board. He was first elected to the NCPERS board in 2022.
David is currently serving his third term as president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Alabama. He is past secretary/treasurer of the Professional Fire Fighters of Alabama and a trustee to the Huntsville Fire Fighters Association since 2010.
David is currently in his 19th year as a driver/operator with Huntsville fire and Rescue. He serves as the vice chair pro tempore on the Board of Control of the Employees Retirement System of the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA/ERS) where he has served as a member of the Administrative Committee and board member since 2018. RSA/ERS oversees 138k members from 900 different units and has over 13 billion in assets.

David is a graduate of the Harvard Trade Union Program and co-founder of "save our RSA" a social media project to educate firefighters and Alabamians on pension security.



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