Thomas Ross
Thomas Ross serves as a member of the NCPERS executive board. He was first elected to the NCPERS executive board in 2017.
Ross currently serves as the vice-chairman of the Somerville Retirement Board (SRB). The SRB provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits to over 2,100 active and retired municipal employee of the City of Somerville. The SRB has $275 million under management.
Ross has been a firefighter with the City of Somerville for 31 years and is currently serving as union president of the Somerville Firefighters Association IAFF Local 76. He was first elected to the Somerville Firefighters L76 executive board 28 years ago and has also served as their secretary/treasurer.
Ross is a founder and co-chairman of the Somerville Labor Coalition made up over 600 Municipal Union members. He serves as co-chair of the public employee’s committee, negotiating healthcare benefits for all active and retired Somerville employees.
Ross was also appointed as co-chairman of the Professional Firefighters pension and healthcare committees. He is very active in local politics and was previously elected to the City of Medford democratic committee.