National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions

Advocacy Activities

Pension Defense Tool Kit  

Public pensions remain one of the most efficient forms of fiscal policy for state and local governments;  however, decades of corporate greed and misguided policy decisions have left public pensions vulnerable to attack from politicians, the media, and the public.  In 2010, NCPERS created the Public Pension Toolkit;  a template for what local or regional media outreach efforts built to support retirement security for all public employees should contain.  In the 8 years since we first created the toolkit, the issues and our universal messages have evolved. This updated toolkit was created with the National Public Pension Coalition (NPPC).



The Legislative Issues Book is published annually, in conjunction with the NCPERS Legislative Conference, to highlight the key issues affecting public pension funds and define NCPERS position on each issue.

NCPERS 2024 Legislative and Regulatory Issues Book                  ncpers-2021-legislative-conference-issues-book          ncpers-2020-legislative-conference-issues-book                    


February 26, 2018

NCPERS is opposing H.R. 4015, the “Corporate Governance Reform and Transparency Act of 2017”. This legislation would undercut public pensions ability to receive independent, unbiased corporate governance research and undermine their ability to effectively exercise their fiduciary responsibilities. Please read the NCPERS letters to Congressional leaders below to learn more about this important issue.

November 13, 2017

NCPERS urges our members to email and/or call your state congressional delegation to express your concerns and ask them to oppose AND not include the unrelated business income tax (UBIT) in Sec. 5001 of H.R. 1, the House passed version of the tax bill, in the final compromise bill. Time is of the essence as conferees are expected to report out a compromise bill this week. Please use the model letter for your emails to your delegation or as talking points when you call them.