National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions

Accreditation Requirements

NAF is offered as a two-part program. NAF 1&2: Governance & Finance and NAF 3&4: Risk Management & Human Capital are each held concurrently twice per year (in the spring and the fall). Participants may complete the courses in any order. Once the program has been completed, participants will be required to take an online exam to demonstrate an understanding of the program materials. Upon receipt of a passing grade on the exam, participants will be awarded with the NCPERS Accredited Fiduciary (AF) designation.



It is recommended that pension trustees and plan staff either have at least 2 years of experience in pension plan administration and/or governance before participating in NAF. Newer trustees or staff should complete the Trustee Educational Seminar to first master fiduciary fundamentals.  This program is not open to service providers.



  • Candidates are required to complete both NAF 1&2: Governance & Finance and NAF 3&4: Risk Management & Human Capital, in any order.
  •  Upon completion of the program, candidates must demonstrate mastery of content through an online exam held after completion of the NAF course.


Upon successful completion of all requirements, NAF candidates will be awarded their Accredited Fiduciary (AF) designation. You will receive an official certificate outlining your accomplishment and a lapel pin to be worn proudly.