National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems

The Voice for Public Pensions

About the Legislative Conference

Making our voices heard in Washington is vitally important in today’s uncertain world and politically divided environment. The NCPERS Legislative Conference is the premier opportunity for public fund trustees and plan administrators to take your story directly to Congress, the Administration, and the federal regulatory agencies that affect public pensions.

Harnessing your real-world experience managing billions of dollars on behalf of state & local public servants is a powerful part of being an effective advocate. At the Legislative Conference, you’ll sharpen the tools for discussing the issues face to face your elected leaders on Capitol Hill, their staff as well as federal regulators.

Day one of the conference offers a fast-paced program to brief you on the pressing issues for the upcoming year. You’ll hear from lawmakers, their key staff, the Administration, and regulators about their plans for the months ahead. Members of the powerful House Ways & Means Committee, Senate Finance Committee, and speaker from the Treasury Department will be on the agenda. This is your total immersion in the issues, and it will give you the information and the motivation to speak effectively on behalf of public pensions.

Day two is Policy Day, where you can attend several congressional meetings on Capitol Hill, scheduled and managed by NCPERS, aimed at impacting public policy discussions that affect your members and the public pension community. Meeting with your congressional delegations is a great way to build new relationships or strengthen existing ones on Capitol Hill.


Why Attend?

The NCPERS Legislative Conference is an incredible opportunity to educate yourself on the wide range of issues that affect public pensions while serving as an advocate to advance our common interests. There is no better time to make your voice heard. When you represent your members by telling their stories to Congress and the Administration, you are making a difference for public pensions.

Who Should Attend?

Pension trustees, pension staff members, plan sponsors, and public plan stakeholders. Service providers to the public pension community should also attend to understand the critical issues affecting your clients and prospective clients.

